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The Small Change That Creates Massive Results in Our Life

George Orwell wrote: For my life to improve I need to improve. I can generally get to a higher level and make the following stride by just making the interior change in my own brain research. 

There are just three things over which you have total and all-out control and these are all you need. It shapes the all-out experience of life. 

It wipes out dread and fear. I realize that regardless of what life gives me I can. get to the higher level by making the inside change. I just need to peer inside and change the interior of my brain. 

This is my life and I am the maker of my fate. It is never past the point where it is possible to become what you want to be. "It is never too late to become what you might have been." – George Orwell.  "It's never past a point where you can't handle the conditions and occasions of your life." – Orwell. . At whatever point I need to have more, experience more, or change anything, I need just look inwards and work on myself. Jim Rohn once said that the hardest work you will at any point accomplish is simply the work you do.

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